Wednesday, January 30

Super Powers.

Most of you are like me, you love Super Heroes You love them not because of what they do, who they save, or what they fight, but mainly you love them for their Super Powers. Now don't get me wrong, all of those other things make the character worth while. I would hate reading about a badass Super hero that spends his day watching tv, and playing online poker, while using his powers to clean up after his dog.
Now as the years go by, heroes come and they go. And while the story and the characters change, the powers remain the same. I would like to see more original super powers out there. I want to see a new character emerge with a new power.
The reason for this post is to see how creative you all can be. I want people to comment on this by coming up with their own unique super power. Now it doesn't have to be some super, crazy, over the top power. Just be creative.

1 comment:

inspectorlolo said...

How about a guy who turns into a ship, with a dick for a COCKpit.