Tuesday, November 18

The T-600 Model

He looks awesome doesn't he? Notice the humans skin over the metal skeleton, Skynet's early tests for human skin over metal endoskeleton. If you watch The Sarah Connor Chronicles tv show, you can see a pre T4 version of the T-600 in the episode "Dungeons And Dragons".

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Did you guys watch tonights Sarah Connor Chronicles?

Yeah, it was awesome wasn't it?

Things are starting to pick up for the series, which is a little unnerving. I don't want this to end, it so great to come home to a well written show, I rarely watch tv, even though I pay close to 130 in cable bills just to dvr this series. Well enough of this rant. Let's talk about the episode.

Tonight's episode was all about deception, lies and betrayal.


Derek Reese's girlfriend while in line buying food sees a man she claims to be a traitor from the future. She kidnaps him and takes him to a abandoned storage unit facility. She calls Derek to check it out. But Derek has no clue about what's going on or who the person is, who is bound to the chair with heavy duty duct tape. Derek thinks the bitch has lost her marbles....But she has proof she is telling the truth.


Someone has stolen Cromartie's body, the only person that was there outside the Connor resistance circle was Agent Ellison. So John goes in search for him, alongside Cameron. They reach his home, and break in to question him about the disappearance of the body. It is imperative they find the body, remember the Terminator mythos. Anything that is not destroyed in the future can possibly be a piece of the puzzle invetibaly creating Judgment day. Cameron interrogates Ellison, her way, which involves being choked the fuck out. For which at this point John yells at her to release him from her clutches. "He is telling the truth. He knows nothing"..


The man that was kidnapped by Derek's girlfriend turns out to be a traitor sent to the past as a gift by the machines from the future. Apparently he helped the machines learn to interrogate and understand the human psyche... He also captured and tortured Derek, but Derek has no recollection of the events. This is because he has changed the future so those events have not occurred. But before he begins to understand the mysterious man gets shot in the head. By Derek's lady friend. The mysterious man was named Charles Fisher. But prior to his death it is learned that he had stolen the identity of a normal civilian. The real Charles Fisher is supervising technician for a large computer company, he himself is kidnapped by Derek's girlfriend as proof of the future traitor's lies. Derek starts to question the future scum, but he wont budge, so he begins to torture the real Charles Fisher, ripping out his nails using pliers. He believes they are both working together...after the future scum dies. We learn that the real Charles Fisher was telling the truth he is just a normal joe. We cut to a scene where he is at work and the FBI bust through to investigate on some events that happened at the company under his name, the future traitor used his credentials to gather vital intel for Skynet. Questioned about why he has bandages on his fingers and a huge black eye, he tells them about what happened.... The story about machines and the future and traitors. We later find out he was taken to a mental ward. This Charles Fisher begins his hatred for Derek Reese and the future. The resistance stopped the original traitor but then in the process created a new one. Derek is later on his way home, talking to his girlfriend about changing the future but not the past. See he stopped the traitor so those memories of being tortured are not there.

Later in the episode Ellison is seen talking to the T1001 about something important he has to show her. He opens his trunk and in the trunk is the dead machine Cromartie. He tells her he needs to find know more about them to stop them. The T-1001 grins. Ellison's intentions are good, but the outcome will be very bad...

Skynet is going to be born regardless, we can't change what is supposed to happen.


Fuck, I just realized after viewing again for the fifth time. Charles Fisher FUTURE TRAITOR is in actuality Charles Fisher the civilian. FUCK!

Tuesday, November 4


Well hello it's been awhile. This is a blog I wrote on another site, and thought I would post it over here as well. I discussed the new game koming out Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. I decided to talk about it, because from what I'm hearing from work no one has a klue what is going on with this game. I thought I would go ahead and discuss the features, mechanics, and whatever else komes to mind, as well as list the pros and kons of this game.

First off let me give you the plot. A very powerful force has decided to rid the universe of the planet Earth, and to do this he has decided to meld Earth with a different planet in the same position, but in a parallel dimension. Enter in the DC heroes and villains, and the MK Kombatants. Good and Evil must work side by side in order to save their planet from those who have invaded their world and whom they believe we bring about their destruction. Might and MAGIC kollide, as the battle of the kentury gets underway.

Being the first installment of the MK franchise to grace next-gen consoles the game looks very good. Like the previous three MK games, the kharacters show the aftermath of kombat through bruises, black eyes, and the like as well as ripped and torn klothing. To push the envelope and deliver on the promise of a brand new MK the kind folks over at Midway have added 4 new features/ mechanics to aid you during kombat. They are Klose Kombat, Free Fall kombat, Rage, and Pro Moves.
-Klose Kombat is when one fighter pulls the other in klose to deliver a few well placed blows. The kamera pulls in klose as indicators appear on each side of the screen. The attacking player kan hit one of the four face buttons while the other kan only guess what is koming next. If the attacking player kan get off four hits the the other will receive the max amount of damage. But if the other player guesses korrectly and hits the same face button as the attacker, then they will dodge and kounter the attack and end Klose Kombat mode.
-Free Fall Kombat is my personal favorite. Many of the arenas are multi-tiered. If a player is klose to the edge and is hit with a powerful attack or kombo then they are sent flying back krashing through the wall and plummeting toward the ground below. The attacking player has a set amount of time to attack their opponent in mid air as they both fall. If they kan fill a guage on their side of the screen then they kan initiate a powerful, and pretty badass looking move that sends their helpless victim slamming into the ground, while they land next to them OG style. This is similar to Klose Komabat in the sense that the player taking the damage has a khance to turn the tables on the other guy. While the attacking player presses buttons to build up the gauge, their opponent will also be pressing buttons to try and get the upper hand and switch places, thus giving them a khance to drop the bomb on the other player.
-Rage works just how it sounds. Under each players health bar is a little bar that slowly feels up as they give or receive damage. The player can use this bar to preform Breakers, that basically kancel any kombo the opponent is using. But if you hold out and let it feel up all the way, then you kan use it to enter Rage mode. In Rage mode you now shrug off attacks, deflect projectiles, and kause more damage. Now it only last 4 - 5 seconds, but if used at the right moment you kould kause a lot of damage and make a dynamic komeback.
-Pro Moves are basically special moves that can be extended. By hitting specific button kombinations, or holding down a button at the right time, the player kan turn a special move into a pro move. So instead of the Green Lantern just hitting his opponent once with a giant green sledgehammer, he can hit them 2 additional times if have the timing down. Not all pro moves are offensive, some kan put you on the defensive. Lex Luthor for instance will fire a rocket from his glove, then slide back with his rocket boots.

Aside from these new features we see the return of the MK signature feature, the FATALITY. Now let me just go a head and throw this out there. Yes Superman kan, and will be killed in this game. Aside from kryptonite Superman is also weak against magic. MK's universe is based in magic and the force grinding the two planets together is using magic to do so. Now I have always loved this part about MK. Nothing is better than beating the krap out of someone then making sure they don't get the dignity of a klosed kasket funeral. Now all the DC heroes with not have Fatalities, but instead they will have Heroic Brutalities. Seeing as they don't kill they will instead gravely injure or immobilize their opponent, so they kan sit and think of all the naughty stuff they have done. Even though I'm happy to see Fatalities have made a return, they have konsiderably lost their edge. You see, in order to get the green light from DC Midway had to first promise they would turn their beloved heroes into killers, and also they had to make the game rated T. With a Teen rating you can only get so violent, this prevents DC from having a heart attack at the site of Superman having his arm ripped off and shoved up his kryptonian......uhhh you get the picture. So there is will be no insane amounts of blood, severed limbs, or 5 skulls 2 rib cages, and 8 spines bouncing around after someone is blown up. Aside from this set back I still think this game will be worth picking up. While there is still time you can run on down to Gamestop and reserve the kollectors edition, which has a limited edition Komic, and box art designed by the legendary Alex Ross.

Now for the Pros and Kons:
You kan kill Superman
You kan beat the krap out of Superman
The graphics are incredible
The fighting mechanics really stand out
Online play
You kan play as either Batman or the Joker
You kan replace the C with K for every word that begins with a C

Batman can be killed
Even though they are back the Fatalities are watered down
Superman fanboys online bitching about him getting beat down by the Flash

This is all I have for now, but I will give my official review on the game when it Komes out 11/10/08.