Tuesday, January 15


I thought to myself one day, they really are pushing the Joker stuff out there, I wonder if they are doing this to hide the fact that Harvey Dent is in the movie. You know Harvey Dent Aka Two-Face read the following off Superherohype.com:


Harvey Dent is the Backbone of Dark Knight
Source: Los Angeles Times
January 15, 2008

The Los Angeles Times talked to The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan, who says that "Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) is a tragic figure, and his story is the backbone of this film."

The Batman Begins helmer also mentioned that The Joker, played by Heather Ledger, "sort of cuts through the film -- he's got no story arc, he's just a force of nature tearing through. Heath has given an amazing performance in the role, it's really extraordinary."

He added that you shouldn't expect a lot of laughs. "It's a dark and complex story and the villains are dark and complex as well."

The Dark Knight opens in theaters on July 18.

I knew it, I had this gut feeling that Joker was not going to have a story in this sequel, but some sort of mini plot to tide us over for the third entry which would probably involve a more emphasizes on the Joker character. Obviously the closer we get to the movies release, am betting the more they will reveal Harvey Dent's role.

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