In a nutshell, Terminator 2 was the end of the franchise. The first movie gave us the characters and set up the future for us, letting us know that Sarah Connor was basically carrying in her womb our savior. Terminator 2 kicked us in the head and let us know how Skynet wasn't taking any shit from anyone by sending out the T-1000 after a pre-teen John Connor. Terminator 3, well let's just say that movie doesn't exist in any equation. As for the tv show, I'd like to take that in as cannon that exists outside the real source material, sort of like the T2 books. Terminator 2, was the beginning, the middle, and the end. Everything after that is in no way, cannon to the series, or will it ever be.
Why is this post me ranting about?
Well Terminator 4: The Future Salvation is going to be rated PG-13.
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