I should have done this almost 2 weeks ago. But better late than never right? Indiana Jones, and the Kingdom of the Crystal skull was a huge let down. By no means was it awful, it was just flawed. This wasn't the Indy I remembered from my childhood. I know they wanted to bring him into the new century for newer fans. But somethings just don't work out as well as they did for others. Of course I'm talking about Live Free or Die Hard.
Just like Die Hard, the main character is older and wiser, but still somehow getting involved in the same adventures that they use to get into when they were younger. Both movies added a younger main character to further the plot, and to add some comedic value to the movies. And for the Record Mudd Williams (Shia Leobuff) did not do a bad job. he was good and he played his part well, even if he did steal the spot light from Indy for most of the movie. But back on topic here. Both movies had their jokes, and action scenes. The biggest difference is Die Hard knew when to be serious, and when to be funny. An action scene isn't that cool when it has jokes and slap stick sprinkled through it.
Indy 4 to me was like going to an amusement park and getting on that one wooden roller coaster. You have high hopes for it, so you get on with your friends. it starts out fine with a few bumps, and as it picks up speed you begin to have fun, but not as much as you thought you were. Then it gets really bumpy and you are thinking to yourself WTF is this? As it moves along you see loops, twists, and turns, and you raise you hopes again. Then your hopes are crushed when you realize all of that stuff was not connected to the actual track, it was just there. When you get off you are upset mainly because you wish all that cool stuff you saw could have actually been apart of the ride. Then you think, if they would have at least fixed some of those minor problems you might have enjoyed the ride more.
Indy 4 has potential but it's wasted. The movie throws in aliens, and psychic KGB doctors. Too bad the psychic element was there for a second or two, then discarded all together, and the aliens were pointless. Instead of a real explanation we are treated to a 7 minute escape scene from a flying saucer. The movie wasn't short on action, and at least the parts between the action scenes were interesting and not boring. But there is a fine line between over the top, and just stupid. Taking out a helicopter with a a rap and a police car is badass. Hiding in a fridge to escape an atomic bomb, and getting launched over 100 feet and come out of it fine is just dumb.
Well that's it for me. If you need to watch something but don't want to watch Kung-fu Panda, but can't wait for the Hulk, go watch Ironman again, and see if you can spot Captain America's shield. If you have to go watch Indy, at least sneak into another movie afterwards, or pay for one movie and when it's over go sneak into Indy 4. Who knows you might enjoy it, obviously I didn't.
Thursday, May 29
Wednesday, May 21
Batman vs. The Machines
As you all might have heard by now Christian Bale, a.k.a Batman, has signed on to play John Connor in the new Terminator film. The new film takes place in the future and has John leading the rebels in their war against the machines. Well it has just come out that Mr. Bale has signed on to do a total of 3 movies in the Terminator series with the first set to release May 22, 2009. No word on what the hell could be going on in the sixth and seventh film, and still no word yet on whether or not if the Governator himself Arnold Schwarzenegger will reprise his role as a Terminator or make a cameo. Personally i would like to see Robert Patrick running around in the background stabbing people, but that's just me.
Sunday, May 11
Thursday, May 8
Indy 4 Spoilers
"Older and Wiser. Indy doesn't mellow with age. Twenty-one years after embarking on the search for the Ark of the Covenant, he is drawn into a quest that proves equally challenging and ultimately just as profound. Beginning at a government hangar in Nevada [Area 51 ???], the adventure takes Indy and a young companion to the coastal desert of Peru, and finally into the geart of the Amazon jungle---where some lives will be lost and others will be transformed"
Regarding John Hurt's character (Ox):
"Born in Leeds in 1887, 'freelance' archeologist Harold Oxley studied with Indy at Oxford under Professor Abner Ravenwood, and later became a close friend of Marion. But Oxley didn't share Ravenwood's fascination for finding Tanis and the Ark of the Covenant. Obsessed with unearthing a crystal skull, Oxley focused his efforts on Central and South Americas, and for many years sought fearlessly to prove that legends regarding El Dorado were based on fact. A close friend of Indy's for many years, Oxley, without explanation, broke off all communication with him in 1937."
Regarding the "Mayans" in the movie (I was right all along - they aren't Mayans!):
"The Amazon rainforest conceals many secrets. Since Pizarro's conquest of Peru, rumors have persisted of the existance of a city of gold, known by the early conquistadors as El Dorado, and by the Inca as Akator. Built by the Ugha people with the help of their gods [ETs ?????], Akator was said to have been millennia ahead of its time. The search for the city claimed the lives of many explorers and comes close to claiming Indy."
"Akator bequeathed monolithic architecture to the Tihuanacans; precision stonework to the Inca; corbel arch construction to the Maya; and ghoulish sculpture to the Aztec. An American Atlantis, it may be the source from which all other cities sprang."
Regarding Spalko:
"Raised in a superstitious Ukranian village, where her psychic abilities led her being branded a 'witch', Irina Spalko was handpicked by Stalin to oversee research into psychic warfare. A former member of the KGB's Science and Technology Directorate, Spalko has been decorated with the Order of Lenin, Her powers of intuition have taken her a long way from the experiments she performed on animals as a teenager. As voracious a seeker of truth as any Indy has ever met, Spalko shows there is no limit to how far she is prepared to go to achieve her goals. Her expertise with the saber, rapier, and foil drives the point home."
Regarding John Hurt's character (Ox):
"Born in Leeds in 1887, 'freelance' archeologist Harold Oxley studied with Indy at Oxford under Professor Abner Ravenwood, and later became a close friend of Marion. But Oxley didn't share Ravenwood's fascination for finding Tanis and the Ark of the Covenant. Obsessed with unearthing a crystal skull, Oxley focused his efforts on Central and South Americas, and for many years sought fearlessly to prove that legends regarding El Dorado were based on fact. A close friend of Indy's for many years, Oxley, without explanation, broke off all communication with him in 1937."
Regarding the "Mayans" in the movie (I was right all along - they aren't Mayans!):
"The Amazon rainforest conceals many secrets. Since Pizarro's conquest of Peru, rumors have persisted of the existance of a city of gold, known by the early conquistadors as El Dorado, and by the Inca as Akator. Built by the Ugha people with the help of their gods [ETs ?????], Akator was said to have been millennia ahead of its time. The search for the city claimed the lives of many explorers and comes close to claiming Indy."
"Akator bequeathed monolithic architecture to the Tihuanacans; precision stonework to the Inca; corbel arch construction to the Maya; and ghoulish sculpture to the Aztec. An American Atlantis, it may be the source from which all other cities sprang."
Regarding Spalko:
"Raised in a superstitious Ukranian village, where her psychic abilities led her being branded a 'witch', Irina Spalko was handpicked by Stalin to oversee research into psychic warfare. A former member of the KGB's Science and Technology Directorate, Spalko has been decorated with the Order of Lenin, Her powers of intuition have taken her a long way from the experiments she performed on animals as a teenager. As voracious a seeker of truth as any Indy has ever met, Spalko shows there is no limit to how far she is prepared to go to achieve her goals. Her expertise with the saber, rapier, and foil drives the point home."
Wednesday, May 7
T4 PG - 13? and Gamesplosion Podcast!
First they gave us a sub-standard Teminator (T-X) that kicked 75% less ass than Terminator 2's T-1000. Then they added Claire (Shopgirl) Danes to the equation, and the result, T3, was a poor person's Terminator 2. The only thing that kept hope alive was the promise that Christian Bale would blow us all away as an embattled John Connor in Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins (aka T4). But now news has broken that T4 will be rated PG-13 instead of R, like the previous installments. How can this movie rock half as hard as T2 with Disneyland limits?
Are the robots going to negotiate the humans to death? How will they up the ante? The "softer" rating actually means there will be less creative one-on-one combat, because up-close-and-personal fighting requires more gore. Instead, there will be more pretty explosions, so 13-year-olds can up the box office sales. It was worrisome enough when we heard that McG would be directing T4, but this rating makes want to throw in the towel. You could make the argument that this will force Bale to bring his best work so far. But when I go to a Terminator movie, all I truly want to see is robots fighting humans to the bitter end, period.
Link to the podcast download:
Are the robots going to negotiate the humans to death? How will they up the ante? The "softer" rating actually means there will be less creative one-on-one combat, because up-close-and-personal fighting requires more gore. Instead, there will be more pretty explosions, so 13-year-olds can up the box office sales. It was worrisome enough when we heard that McG would be directing T4, but this rating makes want to throw in the towel. You could make the argument that this will force Bale to bring his best work so far. But when I go to a Terminator movie, all I truly want to see is robots fighting humans to the bitter end, period.
Link to the podcast download:
Tuesday, May 6
T4 being PG-13 is not the end of the world.
So what Terminator 4 is rated PG-13, it isn't the end of the world. As long as the story is coherent with the rest of the series, as long as the special effects and action are top notch, and to top it off if Christian Bale can pull off the role of a bad ass, war hardened John Connor in the post apocalyptic future then we have nothing to worry about. The movie can still be badass without the need to say "fuck" every five lines, and without an insane amount of blood and gore.
Now just to point out this is a clever ploy on behalf of the producers of the movie. When a movie is rated R a certain percentage of movie goers will not be able to see it, which means less money. Now when it is made PG-13 more people will be able to enjoy it, which means more money. Plus also when it becomes DVD time the Unrated version will sell like hot cakes if it promises a lot of stuff that was cut from the movie, or altered to achieve it's goal of PG-13 status.
Now just to point out this is a clever ploy on behalf of the producers of the movie. When a movie is rated R a certain percentage of movie goers will not be able to see it, which means less money. Now when it is made PG-13 more people will be able to enjoy it, which means more money. Plus also when it becomes DVD time the Unrated version will sell like hot cakes if it promises a lot of stuff that was cut from the movie, or altered to achieve it's goal of PG-13 status.
The demise of the Terminator Franchise.

In a nutshell, Terminator 2 was the end of the franchise. The first movie gave us the characters and set up the future for us, letting us know that Sarah Connor was basically carrying in her womb our savior. Terminator 2 kicked us in the head and let us know how Skynet wasn't taking any shit from anyone by sending out the T-1000 after a pre-teen John Connor. Terminator 3, well let's just say that movie doesn't exist in any equation. As for the tv show, I'd like to take that in as cannon that exists outside the real source material, sort of like the T2 books. Terminator 2, was the beginning, the middle, and the end. Everything after that is in no way, cannon to the series, or will it ever be.
Why is this post me ranting about?
Well Terminator 4: The Future Salvation is going to be rated PG-13.
Monday, May 5
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