Today's episode was kind of a let down, I mean it was pretty cool at some points, but mostly just talking about snitching on people and how Sarah was supposed to die two years back. Are they going to put the stupid Sarah has cancer and dies continuity from Terminator 3? From what I remember reading and researching they were staying far away from the T3 time line, although they didn't say anything about her getting the disease, they also didn't mention how she dies so it's up in the air. Episode 2 strayed away from the action and excitement that the pilot episode gave us, instead we get a hour long Training Day Tv episode, that's what it felt like. Some of the jokes and subtleties were nonsense, at one point Cameron (The Female Terminator) was mimicking a chola, to even dressing up as one randomly. She also get shocked by a vault, and shuts down to later get sat down on a chair and pushed out a window. For some reason this Sarah Connor isn't coming off very tough as nails Linda Hamilton. I mean seriously leaving John alone at the house? Not yelling at him or breaking him down for ditching the safety of the home. The things that make Sarah look like a bitch aren't really there she seems to soft for me.
I have alot of questions that need some answers for example:
1 How is the female Terminator learning? From what we learned in T2, the cpu learning computer chip should be turnt on. But there was no mention of this in this episode or the pilot.
2. Why the hell would they start sending in resistance fighters back into the past? That would mean less fighters, helping out in the future war.
3. Are we relying on a bored John Connor teenager to save us from the machines?
4. John and Sarah both have cellphones, and they use them. What service provider do they have and how are they paying for these? Couldn't technically they get caught by the cops for this?
5. How the hell did the pilot episode Terminator survive without it's head?
As much as I am picky and have alot of questions I can't stop watching, I am intrigued and hooked on this. Hopefully we find out who the faceless resistance fighter is following the crew. (Kyle Reese?)

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